We have all had to learn to live and work differently during the COVID 19 Pandemic. We thank all our patients for their understanding and support during this time.
During the height of the pandemic we had to learn to do a lot of our work remotely over the telephone, using email and video consultations to help deliver primary medical care to our patients. Nevertheless throughout the pandemic we have continued to see patients face to face in the surgery or to visit them at home when required.
We have learnt that not all consultations require a face to face appointment and that in some circumstances patients prefer a telephone consultation.
In view of this we now offer a mixture of pre-bookable face to face appointments and telephone appointments, and for most of our emergency on-the-day appointments the patient with the guidance of the receptionist can choose whether they would prefer a telephone call from the doctor or to attend in person.
We will continue to see patients both at the surgery and visit the housebound as needed.
We will continue to re-assess our service and make changes for the better. We welcome feedback but please provide this via post or email.
For information about COVID-19 (including the vaccination) please see the links below:
For more information go to www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/ or www.nhsinform.scot